While Mephorash have been around for a while now it wasn’t really
until 2015’s 1557 - Rites of Nullification that things started
getting interesting. Now they’ve stepped their game up one more level
with the release of Shem Ha Mephorash. One should caution that this
is a long album, coming in at a massive 74 minute, luckily however
with the exception of perhaps a few passages when your mind might
start to wander the album uses it’s long form to it’s advantages using
the time to build up the songs and often left me wanting more. This is
especially true on the two final tracks, the majestic 777: Third Woe
(which was released as an EP last year already) and then the massive
fifteen minute final track which leaves you salivating for more well
before it’s over. Mephorash have truly stepped up here so I for one
cannot wait for whatever comes next.
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